Saturday, June 20, 2009

Barry's Sweet Ass New Car Deal

This entry will have to be taken with a grain of salt because it is based as much in opinion as it is in fact and that may be more of some and less of the other, but it represents how I feel in a nutshell.

Have you heard the president wants everyone to have health care? Imagine the utopia we would be living in if only we all had free medical coverage. Wow. The problem is that nothing is free and universal health care wouldn’t be either. I don’t know what it is with the democrats and their way of thinking but I wish they would stop thinking that every man, woman, and child in this country needs assistance and babysitting. The solution to our problems in time of need is not more big government, despite what big government tries to tell us. All I can think of is a woman giving a blow job to a guy with a huge cock and even though she tells him he is too big for her to get it all in her mouth he keeps right on a pushing until it is down her throat and she is gagging on all that man meat. That’s what big government represents to me, a forced, painful, nauseating blow job.

Wow, that was kind of crude wasn’t it? Oh well, it’s still a good analogy.

I know that the current system of health care is flawed. Believe me I know. I am one of those people fortunate enough to have some kind of a plan implemented by my employer that pays for a majority stake in my health care coverage. Even with that I still pay about $200 a month for something I have only used about five times in the twelve years that I have worked for the company. Where did all the money go that I paid in and never took advantage of? Well, I would venture to say that a lot of it goes to the doctors and hospitals in the form of higher fees charged to the insurance companies for reimbursement than what an uninsured person gets charged. If you don’t believe this is true than you have never known someone who didn’t have insurance and/or a job and was able to talk the hospital down to a much more reasonable bill. That’s great for those that have no insurance but the doctors and nurses still need to get paid for their services and the hospitals still need to make a profit and pay for all their overhead so who makes up the difference? It comes back to people like me who have insurance and pay their premiums every month. For the $28,800 plus I have paid over the twelve years that I have worked here I’ve only used a fraction of that in hospital or doctor visits. That doesn’t count the portion of the premium that the company picks up as part of my benefits package. Where did all the rest of that money go? Insurance companies are the Don King of the health care industry and they are only there to serve themselves and make profit. The problem with this is the patient gets hung out to dry when it comes to the doctors and the insurance companies arguing over how much things cost and who needs what procedure and who doesn’t.

Having said all of that I still think the current system with all its flaws and woes is far better than anything that the federal government could possibly scheme up. The U.S. government has one of the worst records for money management in the world as far as I am concerned. Why would anyone want a system that gives the feds even more of our tax dollars so they can turn around and tell us what procedures we can have and where and when we can have them? It makes no sense to me because it won’t save any money and it will end up costing those who already pay the hospital bills even more than it does now to make up for those that can’t or won’t work.

Where is the money for this magical plan supposed to come from exactly? I know one of the ideas floating around is to tax company provided health care benefits as income. Well, that’s great for those people who get no company provided health care benefits to just be able to glom onto the great tit of society but what about those that do have coverage? We’re supposed to pay higher taxes to make up the difference? This sounds a little too much like Robin Hood shit to me. I have a problem with this and I hope a lot of others do as well. And what would prevent a company from just dropping its health care coverage plan if the company knew the government would pick up the tab? I know the answer to that one and it has to do with the feds telling private industry that they can’t stop providing health care coverage just so employees won’t have to pay higher income taxes.

I look at the plan to provide health care for everyone like having an old car. Let’s say you have an old car that doesn’t run all that well and it costs you $100 a month to keep on the road. This would represent the current system. Now this car is kind of worn down and some months cost more than others but it’s okay because you know you can afford about $125 a month for the cost of running this old car. Along comes Barry-o-Bama, of Barry’s New Administration Car Sales, and he wants to put a shiny set of brand-ee new wheels under your ass. This would represent universal health care of course. Barry’s car is sure sweet and it will run better than your old car for awhile at least. There’s a few catches to the plan though and they’re buried in the small print of the contract. You know the print that’s so small you need a damn jeweler’s loupe to read. This small print says that while you will have a new car you’re not going to be the only one who gets to drive it. That’s right; your neighbors who are unemployed and can’t afford their own set of wheels will get to take it around the block now and then. I hear they have a teenage son who likes to squeal the tires and fuck his girlfriend in the back seat too. However, while you may not be the only driver of this car you will be the only payer for it and that price is set at about $150 a month, $25 more than you know you can afford. Won’t you feel good though knowing that your neighbors have a ride too? Oh I almost forgot to mention this too. The fine print also informs you that Barry gets to tell you where and when you can buy gas for your car and how much of it you’re allowed to have as well. Sounds like some real happy cruising to me.

Another thing to be considered with universal health care is who it is supposed to help cover. Those people that don’t have any insurance now would be helped greatly by this plan or at least that is what the administration (dealership) tells us. What do people do that don’t have any health insurance now? They don’t run to the doctor every time they get a sniffle I bet. When something serious happens they go to the emergency room and they get taken care of because almost every hospital in the country will provide emergency care to anyone regardless of their ability to show proof of insurance. When they get a large bill from the care that was rendered to them they negotiate it down with the hospital and then they pay a little every month. Huh, kind of sounds like making payments on premiums doesn’t it? The difference is that those people are paying for services provided and not for something that could happen but hasn’t yet. It sounds like bullshit telling it but I know that it works that way because I have been there and done that when I had something that didn’t meet my deductible; minus the negotiating part of course.

Do I think we need some kind of health care reform in this country? Yes of course. Do I think giving health insurance to everyone regardless of their ability to pay anything into the system is the way to go? No, of course not. A key thing to lowering the cost of health in this country that could happen right now would be to start rounding up all those people that are not here legally and have no intention of becoming citizens and get them the fuck out and back wherever they came from. Illegal immigrants go to emergency rooms and they get totally free health care that way because they don’t pay the bills at all. The worst thing that could possibly happen to an illegal immigrant in their eyes would be to give them green cards and taxable jobs because they would lose their free ride.

Okay, I am done ranting on this for now and I apologize if it turned anyone off but those of us that have been responsible in our lives and paid our own way get tired of hearing how the new President wants us to pay even more to help everyone else. Actually, fuck that, I don't apologize. If you think those people that work hard to keep food on the table and pay their bills on time should have to pay even more to support everyone else, you're an asshole too and I won't waste an apology on you. I'm sorry if that offends anyone. Ha ha! I'm sorry, I'm not sorry, I'm sorry...God it's like being married.

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