Monday, August 17, 2009

The people have spoken...and continue to do so.

Well fuck-a-loo and how do you do, it looks like once in a while things can get better after they go to shit. Our wonderful new president, Barry Obama of Barry's Used Car Sales, has finally seen the light and is backing off from his socialized medicine plan for all. It seems that he is going to shift from forced government health care for all to some sort of coop health care whatever that means, but the real meat of the story is that he is finally getting the word that socialized medicine is not what the people want.

I think the real problem is not universal health care as much as it is that we Americans don't particularly like being told what we can and can't do and how and when and where it will all happen. This country was not founded on the government running our lives, in fact it was founded on the idea that those early Americans wanted way less government in their lives. How in hell did we go from wanting to be free of government rule to expecting Washington to babysit us all? The democrats have been busy shooting themselves in the foot for the past few weeks by saying some pretty outlandish things about the throngs of people that have been going to town hall meetings to oppose the idea of universal health care. They have called these people un-American, part of the KKK, and Swastika wearing Nazis, among other heinous things. Nancy Pelosi was the one who said it was un-American to be against this health care reform bill. The Dems have not been able to accept that maybe people just want to be heard and that maybe it's the majority of people who are talking the loudest about this particular item instead of the other way around.

As much as I think we could use better health care management in this country, I still believe that we have as good a medical service as any country in the world. I think all that will change if universal health care is implemented. Why do I think that? I think that because as bad as insurance companies can be at running things the U.S. government has proven hundreds of times over that it is far worse at running things. Right about now, I wouldn't put the feds in charge if organizing a birthday party for my kids. They're the assholes that would put the pinata up and forget to put the fucking candy in and that's who people want to run their health care program? Wow.

Here's a suggestion. If people really want to see how great 'free' health care is all they need to do is take a trip to Maine and see how great the 'Dirigo Health Care' plan works. Let's see, that joke covers about 13,000 people out of a population of over a million and yet it is still broke. Hmm, sounds like something we should do on a national basis to me.

On another good note, several items brought forth by Maine citizens will be voted on this November third so please remember to vote regardless of what side of a particular debate you may fall on.

Here are the items as they read on the state website:

An Act to Decrease the Automobile Excise Tax and Promote Energy Efficiency

“Do you want to cut the rate of the municipal excise tax by an average of 55% on motor vehicles less than six years old and exempt hybrid and other alternative-energy and highly fuel-efficient motor vehicles from sales tax and three years of excise tax?”

An Act to Provide Tax Relief

“Do you want to change the existing formulas that limit state and local government spending and require voter approval by referendum for spending over those limits and for increases in state taxes?”

An Act to Repeal the School District Consolidation Laws

“Do you want to repeal the 2007 law on school district consolidation and restore the laws previously in effect?”

An Act to Establish the Maine Medical Marijuana Act

“Do you want to change the medical marijuana laws to allow treatment of more medical conditions and to create a regulated system of distribution?”

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