Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Do you Bob, take this man to be your lawful wedded husband?

This November Mainers will have the chance to vote on one of the most talked about issues in many years to hit the ballets. The issue is that of gay marriage. As you may or may not know, Maine recently passed a law allowing same sex marriage and through the democratic process that we enjoy here we know have a chance to vote on whether or not we will keep this law as it stands.

It's no big secret that I tend to lean to the right politically but I have to say that I just don't understand the whole anti-gay thing in this country or the world for that matter. Maybe it is because my religious beliefs are lacking or maybe it is just the way that my brain works but I think that people who are gay are gay by design and not by choice. Gay people have continuously been persecuted throughout history and considering that, who in hell would choose to be gay. I hate the term 'lifestyle choice' because I don't think that being gay is a choice or a lifestyle any more than I think being straight is. If you think that a person chooses to be gay then it should be fair to assume that the opposite of that is true as well right? If think that gay people have chosen to be that way I have a question for you. When did you make the choice the be straight? At what point in your own life did you sit down and seriously think about what gender you were going to be attracted to? I had someone who believes that being gay is a choice tell me that they never chose to be straight they just always knew they were. I was like, 'Helllooooo, are you seeing my point here?'

Regardless of whether you think being gay is a matter of genetics or choice why should that matter if they are allowed to get married or not? I am so sick of hearing about the sanctity of marriage and how it is supposed to be between a man and a woman and all such other bullshit. The problem with all of this crap is that it is so steeped in religious background that the people who can't get through each day without their bibles cannot possibly imagine that the world isn't exactly as the good book tells them it should be. They spout off about the Bible being God's word and how God abhors gay people and that it can only be a choice because that's what the bible says. It's a dogma for them to consider that even though God made everyone and everything he couldn't possibly have created homosexuals because of his hatred for them. Somehow thinking of God hating anything goes against everything that I have ever learned about Christianity.

If the religious zealots of this land really want to protect the sanctity of marriage perhaps they should start by encouraging straight people who get married to stay married. What happened to the big uproar over people living together 'in sin'? That has been pushed to the side by the issue of gay marriage. Maybe the sanctity of marriage should be unions that last instead of ending up in painful divorces. In other words, don't point your fucking fingers at what other people want to do until you can get your own messes cleaned up.

I plan on voting to keep the law the way it is written because if two people want to be married regardless of their sexual orientation, then who am I to judge them. What power has been bestowed upon me or any other person to say whether or not someone can or can't get married just because they are gay? If the religious right would remember something from their Bible they would not be so righteous in their attitudes. That something states that a person should not cast stones unless they are free from sin themselves. How many people are truly free from sin according to the gospels in the Bible? Not too damn many if you think about it.

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